Friday, September 25, 2009

"Live like you were dying"

If I only had 24 hours to live and I knew I was going to die I would first give all my money to my mom and dad so that they could pay bills and stuff easier. I have alot of money saved up. :p Then I would go sky diving because I've always wanted to but I've been kinda scared to. I would also want to go to a place I've never been like Australia or something, but maybe not because it takes way too long to get there. I would buy a really really cute outfit too, like designer stuff so I could be burried in it. My last stop would be at a church with my friends and family so that we could all pray and be all spiritual together before I die. I would say all of my goodbyes and tell everyone the things I've always wanted to say. I would ask my family to burry me with some things that are really important to me.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My new sitcom

If I had to make a new sitcom it would be about my life. :p I would have Rachel Bilson play my role and Cam Gigandet be my boyfriend. I would want the show to be based on real life stories from my life. It would be scripted but look like its a reality show. I would have all of the characters have the names of people in my real life. I think it could be a number one show because my life is so funny. My friends are crazy and we have some stupid fights and they're pretty entertaining. Right now would be an awesome time for my life to be a sitcom because there's so much drama going on right now. My boyfriend and I just broke up and its pretty dramatic. It would be a good few episodes. :p

Friday, September 11, 2009

Free Blog

Well, today we don't have a topic to blog about so I guess I'll just write about my life. I just moved into a new house that we built. It's pretty cool, its green. We're not fully moved in yet but were close. My best friends are Lyndi and Taylor, they're crazy. I had a dream last night that my dad had a heart attack, it was soo sad. My dad builds water towers, it's pretty crazy. I would never climb up that high. I'm kinda sad today, it's September 11th. I hope that never happens again, I remember that day. I'm sitting next to Hish in the computer lab right now, he's already done with his blog.

Friday, September 4, 2009


If I had to compare myself to an animal I think I would be a wallaroo. Wallaroo's are mammals and marcupials. A marcupial keeps it's young in a pouch on there stomache, like a kangaroo. That seems like me because if I had a kid I would protect them and keep them close to me too. Usually they are very calm and friendly but when they get mad or annoyed they show it, just like me. I'm usually chill but when I get mad you can tell. When a wallaroo's mad they hiss or cough to let everyone know. I also let people know if their in danger or if they're gonna get in trouble. The wallaroo thumps their foot to warn eachother of danger. Wallaroo's spend alot of time on their own, I spend a pretty good amount of time by myself too. It's not because I dont have friends, I just like to have some time to relax and think about things, I can't do that if I'm always being surrounded by people. Plus I just think wallaroos are super cute. :)