Friday, October 23, 2009

Gothic Garb

Two of my favorite costumes Ive ever had on Halloween would have to be Spongebob aandd Snow White. :) I still have a bunch of my old Halloween costumes and me and my friends use them wayy too much. Spongebob was a huge hit on Halloween though! I was younger so I was trick-or-treating with my papa and a bunch of people would yell at me and say stuff like Nice Costume! One guy even started singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song! It was halarious. I dont even remember being Snow White but i still have the costume and wear it from time to time. :p This year my costumes gonna kick buutt. I didnt get to dress up last year so Im gonna make up for it this year! :) I havent decided yet though, I doubt Ill be scary though. I never wore too many scary costumes though. Sooo, yea I cant wait for Halloween!


  1. Aww very cute. thats kinda funny that guy started singing.

  2. snow white is pretty awsome, so is spongebob. thats really funny that the guy started singing!

  3. I can't wait for Halloween either!!!
