Friday, December 11, 2009

Dumb Laws

One really dumb law is that you cant eat at a place that is on fire. Why would you be eating if something was on fire? That's just silly, and who cares if you do eat. If they get set on fire then its there fault. Theres another one that says you cant give a dog whiskey, i agree with that one though. I think that would be animal abuse. In Champaign you can't pee in your neighbors mouth. Why would you even want to do that? Or what if your neighbor is okay with it, then I dont see the problem. In Chicago its forbidden to go fishing while your sitting on a giraffes neck! There arent even any giraffes in illinois! And who cares if your fishing? Sitting on a giraffes neck period should be illegal, it probably hurts them! In Evanston bowling is illegal. I have no idea why you would make a game illegal? These laws are dumb. Except for the whiskey and dog one. That ones good. :)


  1. yeah, why would you be anywhere near a building while it was on fire????????

  2. wow, those are some really weird laws goin on there

  3. haha those laws are pretty dumb, but yeah i agree with you on the dog and the whiskey one :p

  4. these laws are so pointless! haha

  5. i found a law that said dogs may not molest cars ! how weird !!

  6. Dang it my life is ruind. I cant fish off of a giraffe in Chicago.

  7. ok what if your oven breaks and you want food so you set your house on fire. The house is still buring but your food is cooked well your obiously not going to eat it our side when you have a perfecly good kitchen
