Friday, September 25, 2009

"Live like you were dying"

If I only had 24 hours to live and I knew I was going to die I would first give all my money to my mom and dad so that they could pay bills and stuff easier. I have alot of money saved up. :p Then I would go sky diving because I've always wanted to but I've been kinda scared to. I would also want to go to a place I've never been like Australia or something, but maybe not because it takes way too long to get there. I would buy a really really cute outfit too, like designer stuff so I could be burried in it. My last stop would be at a church with my friends and family so that we could all pray and be all spiritual together before I die. I would say all of my goodbyes and tell everyone the things I've always wanted to say. I would ask my family to burry me with some things that are really important to me.


  1. You would lose over half of your last day just to get to Australia

  2. maby you should skydive onto Australia

  3. australia would be a cool place to go. and skydiving seems so fun :)

  4. ive always wanted to go sky diving too, but with out any money, who would pay for it? just kidding,:)
