Friday, September 18, 2009

My new sitcom

If I had to make a new sitcom it would be about my life. :p I would have Rachel Bilson play my role and Cam Gigandet be my boyfriend. I would want the show to be based on real life stories from my life. It would be scripted but look like its a reality show. I would have all of the characters have the names of people in my real life. I think it could be a number one show because my life is so funny. My friends are crazy and we have some stupid fights and they're pretty entertaining. Right now would be an awesome time for my life to be a sitcom because there's so much drama going on right now. My boyfriend and I just broke up and its pretty dramatic. It would be a good few episodes. :p


  1. i would like to watch your show! :) plus the guy being your bf is very attractive!

  2. o my gosh i love cam gigandet! hes awsome! i would love to watch your show
