Friday, September 4, 2009


If I had to compare myself to an animal I think I would be a wallaroo. Wallaroo's are mammals and marcupials. A marcupial keeps it's young in a pouch on there stomache, like a kangaroo. That seems like me because if I had a kid I would protect them and keep them close to me too. Usually they are very calm and friendly but when they get mad or annoyed they show it, just like me. I'm usually chill but when I get mad you can tell. When a wallaroo's mad they hiss or cough to let everyone know. I also let people know if their in danger or if they're gonna get in trouble. The wallaroo thumps their foot to warn eachother of danger. Wallaroo's spend alot of time on their own, I spend a pretty good amount of time by myself too. It's not because I dont have friends, I just like to have some time to relax and think about things, I can't do that if I'm always being surrounded by people. Plus I just think wallaroos are super cute. :)


  1. Awsome. Its just like a mini kangaroo. I want one.

  2. You should carry your kids around on your back in a backpack-like harness.
