Friday, October 30, 2009

Scary, scary.

One friday night I came out to Oly for a football game. My mom dropped me off and i started walking towards the area where we all go tailgaiting. Then i saw my friend Claire and she's like did you hear what happened? I was like, noo? She told me that two of my best friends Jack and Nick got in a car accident. I asked so many questions like where are they, and how did it happen. They were down the road a mile or so and there car was flipped. No one knew if they were okay or if they were in the hospital or what. My other best friends Lyndi and Taylor were freaking out because they're close with Jack and Nick too. We found out later that night that they were fine, they just walked away from it. Thank God, if they were hurt it would make things even worse. Nick came back to the football game and we all hugged him and stuff. Jack had to go home because it was his car that they wrecked. But anyways, that was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, I'm just glad they both drive safer now.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Gothic Garb

Two of my favorite costumes Ive ever had on Halloween would have to be Spongebob aandd Snow White. :) I still have a bunch of my old Halloween costumes and me and my friends use them wayy too much. Spongebob was a huge hit on Halloween though! I was younger so I was trick-or-treating with my papa and a bunch of people would yell at me and say stuff like Nice Costume! One guy even started singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song! It was halarious. I dont even remember being Snow White but i still have the costume and wear it from time to time. :p This year my costumes gonna kick buutt. I didnt get to dress up last year so Im gonna make up for it this year! :) I havent decided yet though, I doubt Ill be scary though. I never wore too many scary costumes though. Sooo, yea I cant wait for Halloween!

Friday, October 16, 2009


If I was a transcendentalist I would go to Turks and Caicos islands in the Carribean. I would just camp on the beach everynight and lay around on the beach all day. I would swim in the ocean and get a good tan. :) I think I would get kinda hot though because its like 100 degrees there everyday, I guess I would swim and cool down though. Anyways, theres some weird animals there that I could watch. Their's alot of stray cats and theyre really skinny so I would hang out witht he cats. I feel bad for them because they dont have a home. I think I would live on Iguana Island. I went there one time before and it was so secluded, all that was there was a bunch of huuge Iguanas. They were sooo big! Plus there was a bunch of cool rocks like right on the shore, I think I would spend alot of time sitting on top of the rocks just watching the ocean. Soo, yea that's where I would go. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009


I see censorship all the time, especially in school. They dont let you cuss or say anything that relates to it. They freak out and punish you which is dumb because we are supposed to have freedom of speech. It's also used alot on t.v. Shows are always bleeping out words and blurring out people mouths even. It's not a big deal, it's not like cussing makes you a bad person or anything. The radio does the same thing, they cut out the cuss words in songs which is the most annoying to me. When I listen to a song I sing the whole thing and when they bleep out words it messes up the whole song. I dont get why the constitution says we have freedom of speech but we get in trouble for using it.