Friday, October 30, 2009

Scary, scary.

One friday night I came out to Oly for a football game. My mom dropped me off and i started walking towards the area where we all go tailgaiting. Then i saw my friend Claire and she's like did you hear what happened? I was like, noo? She told me that two of my best friends Jack and Nick got in a car accident. I asked so many questions like where are they, and how did it happen. They were down the road a mile or so and there car was flipped. No one knew if they were okay or if they were in the hospital or what. My other best friends Lyndi and Taylor were freaking out because they're close with Jack and Nick too. We found out later that night that they were fine, they just walked away from it. Thank God, if they were hurt it would make things even worse. Nick came back to the football game and we all hugged him and stuff. Jack had to go home because it was his car that they wrecked. But anyways, that was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, I'm just glad they both drive safer now.

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