Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yearly Awards

Most Interesting Part of This Class: I thought that the most interesting unit we did in this class would be gothic stuff. It was actually interesting. It wasnt just a boring story about a leaf.

Most Boring/Useless Part of This Class: I think the slave part maybe. The only reason it was boring is because we have been learning about slavery sine we were like 5 years old. Or maybe the frontier was the most boring.

Hardest I Laughed in This Class: I've laughed alot in this class. Hish sits next to me and he says some pretty stupid stuff sometimes. Brigs tries to crack jokes and sometimes I have to laugh at them. :p I think the hardest I laughed was when Hish and Brigs had a big conversation on "soft riots" That was pretty funny.

Thing That I Learned That Will Be Most Useful to Know in the Real World: The stuff about moral disobedience was pretty cool. How i always can make my own choice even though the consiquences could be bad. Then i remember this one day when we talked about relationships and it made me think alot.

Best Thing About Brigs as a Teacher: Hes pretty funny. He's not super boring either. When i tell my friends stories about the class they all are like, "he sounds so cool."

Thing Brigs Could do to Make This Class Better For Future Classes: Not give as much hoemwork. I hated answering the questions after I read a story. I always read the story anyway I just didnt see the point in answering questions about it. Oh, and he can rap for them when they ask him nicely. He never did that for us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dumb Laws

One really dumb law is that you cant eat at a place that is on fire. Why would you be eating if something was on fire? That's just silly, and who cares if you do eat. If they get set on fire then its there fault. Theres another one that says you cant give a dog whiskey, i agree with that one though. I think that would be animal abuse. In Champaign you can't pee in your neighbors mouth. Why would you even want to do that? Or what if your neighbor is okay with it, then I dont see the problem. In Chicago its forbidden to go fishing while your sitting on a giraffes neck! There arent even any giraffes in illinois! And who cares if your fishing? Sitting on a giraffes neck period should be illegal, it probably hurts them! In Evanston bowling is illegal. I have no idea why you would make a game illegal? These laws are dumb. Except for the whiskey and dog one. That ones good. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dollar Dollar Bill Ya'll

If I had $5,000,000 I would first of all give some of it to my rents so that they could afford their house and what not. I would only give them like $100,000 though because I need some too. Then I would donate like $5,000 to charity so I'm not like completely selfish. Then I would have to go to Chicago and buy myself some nice threads. I would get a bunch of Juicy stuff and a couple North Faces just because theyre cozy. Then I would go get tooons of Ed Hardy. I might fly to Paris too because Hish thinks I could find some nice clothes there. I would get so much designer stuff. I could probly spend $200,000. Then I would go to California and get some liposuction. I would get all the fat sucked out of my tummy and arms and thighs. I would look super hot after. :p Then I would get my hair done by Paul Mitchell, hes awesome. Then I would buy a tanning package at Planet Beach and get a nice glow going on. Then I would take all my friends and family on a tropical vacation. I would still have money left over though. :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

If i were a color.

If I were a color I think that I would be pink or something. Pinks already my favorite color. But then again I like teal. Pink is girly and sometimes I can kinda be like that but teal isnt as girly. It's just a fun color for everybody. Sometimes Im not girly so I feel more like a teal. Hish thinks Im gray, but i disagree. That color is for boring people. Teal and pink are both happy colors, but I think im generally a happy person. :) I think Im gonna have to go with teal though because pink is too girly for me. Sooo, teal it is. But i love pink too.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A star is born

If I could star in a movie I would want it to be like a romantic comedy with some action in it. I would want to do my own stunts and stuff because i think it would be fun. I would want someone like Cam Gigandet to be my love interest. :) I think me and him should go sky diving in the movie, thatd be fuun. My wardrobe would be totally stylish and designer stuff. The location should be like somewhere super pretty like Turks and Caicos islands or Australia or something along those lines. Me and Cam can be dating and we live there and he can be like a tan surf instuctor and I can work with dolphins or something. :) Yep, that would be the life, and in our spare time we could go swimming in the ocean and run on the beach together. That would be so cute. :) But we never get married because we are happy like we are, and we have a bunch of friends that live close to us. We party with them on the weekends and stuff. Oh, and we have a cute little doggy. :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Scary, scary.

One friday night I came out to Oly for a football game. My mom dropped me off and i started walking towards the area where we all go tailgaiting. Then i saw my friend Claire and she's like did you hear what happened? I was like, noo? She told me that two of my best friends Jack and Nick got in a car accident. I asked so many questions like where are they, and how did it happen. They were down the road a mile or so and there car was flipped. No one knew if they were okay or if they were in the hospital or what. My other best friends Lyndi and Taylor were freaking out because they're close with Jack and Nick too. We found out later that night that they were fine, they just walked away from it. Thank God, if they were hurt it would make things even worse. Nick came back to the football game and we all hugged him and stuff. Jack had to go home because it was his car that they wrecked. But anyways, that was probably one of the scariest moments of my life, I'm just glad they both drive safer now.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Gothic Garb

Two of my favorite costumes Ive ever had on Halloween would have to be Spongebob aandd Snow White. :) I still have a bunch of my old Halloween costumes and me and my friends use them wayy too much. Spongebob was a huge hit on Halloween though! I was younger so I was trick-or-treating with my papa and a bunch of people would yell at me and say stuff like Nice Costume! One guy even started singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song! It was halarious. I dont even remember being Snow White but i still have the costume and wear it from time to time. :p This year my costumes gonna kick buutt. I didnt get to dress up last year so Im gonna make up for it this year! :) I havent decided yet though, I doubt Ill be scary though. I never wore too many scary costumes though. Sooo, yea I cant wait for Halloween!